Wednesday, 23 November 2011

How to Make Your Husband Want You Sexually

Living in a sexless marriage is hard, confusing, and frightening. However, in many cases, there is a way for you to bring the passion back to your marriage and make your husband want you sexually once more.

How to Make Your Husband Want You Sexually

However, before you begin thinking this is all about you, I want you to know two things:

1. This can be something that's physically wrong with your husband. Some illness or medication that he's taking that simply turns off his libido. If that's the case, his doctor could probably help.


2. If not, this is still not your fault. Millions of couples live in sexless marriages and for a variety of reasons. For every reason you can come up with, you'll be able to find couples who have the same issue but still enjoy having sex with one another. So, don't blame yourself, it's not the right attitude to take.

That being said, there are things you can do to make your husband want you sexually:

1. Personal grooming - I don't mean to get into too personal territory with you, but a lot of women tend to let go of their grooming habits when married. When once you used to wax your legs every 4 weeks, now you do so every 6. Your husband may not say anything about this but he may still be turned off by it.

2. Develop your own interests - Chances are your husband is attracted to you but you need to remind him how special and interesting you are. Take a course, start a new hobby, go out with some friends on a regular basis. He'll see that you have a life that's separated from him and he'll grow more intersted in you once more.

3. Show greater interest in what he does, in his job, business, and hobbies. Often, people get so caught up in the day to day grind that they hardly talk to one another about anything other than the kids, money, and the house and chores. By paying more attention to the person he is right now, he'll feel much closer and more intimate to you.

4. Initiate sex - You don't want to be passive in your relationship. If he doesn't initiate sex, go ahead and do it yourself. This may be just what's needed to get him going once more.

Try the steps above and see how they work. You can get the passion back but it may require some time, effort, and patience.

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Thanks To : Black Friday Shopping Read Black Friday Gift

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